Shipments & Deliveries - Preziosità snc di Stefano Rubetti & C.


The order will be managed within 48/72 hours from the date of entry into our systems and will be delivered to the address indicated within 5 working days at the cost specified before shipping.
Gioielleria Preziosità reserves the right to accept or not accept deliveries requested outside Italian or European borders.

With regards to deliveries requested in countries not belonging to the European Union, any import customs costs will be borne by the recipient. The Customer is therefore invited to contact the customs authorities of their country in advance to verify the costs and any import limits.

The delivery times indicated by Gioielleria Preziosità must be considered purely indicative and a delay compared to them, or any delivery made with subsequent split shipments does not entitle the Customer to refuse the delivery itself and to request compensation or compensation.
Immediately after departure of the shipment, an email will arrive with the SHIPPING CONFIRMATION containing a tracking code that can be used to check the status of the order online.
In both cases the customer is required to provide a VALID TELEPHONE NUMBER, which will be communicated to the courier in case of any problems with delivery. In the absence of a telephone number, your order may be delayed or remain pending until the information necessary for shipping is provided.
Any problems relating to the physical integrity, correspondence or completeness of the products received must be reported within 7 days of delivery.

Shipping cost. Below.

Standard Shipping = FREE ( For orders over €39)
Delivery in 5 working days from order preparation
Standard Shipping = €12.90
Delivery in 5 working days from order preparation

Standard Shipping = €49.90*
Customs duties to be paid by the recipient
Delivery in 5-10 working days from order preparation