

After having taken the exams necessary for qualification, I am part of the Register of Experts and Experts of the Milan Chamber of Commerce

n.3498 Milan Chamber of Commerce

with the following specializations:

  • Precious
  • Articles of Art and Antiques

in the following Sub-Categories:

  • Precious metals -
  • Goldsmith -
  • Modern and Ancient Silverware -
  • Antique watchmaking (French clockwork from 1610 to 1820) with particular interest in the "Empire" period.

We therefore carry out with the utmost professionalism:

  • Sworn appraisals
  • Safe deposit box openings
  • Private appraisals
Do not hesitate to contact us:



The expert (expert, consultant and estimator) must avoid any behavior and action that could undermine the dignity of the profession.

  • Autonomy and probity

The expert must maintain absolute independence, rejecting any attempt at conditioning or influence of any nature.
The expert undertakes not to receive from the parties or third parties, directly or indirectly, any gift, present, favor or advantage or any other remuneration other than that officially requested by him for fees, expenses and disbursements.

  • Impartiality

The expert, in carrying out the service, must behave objectively.
In the case of an expert operation, if he intends to attempt a conciliation between the parties, the expert must not have had friendly relations or common interests with one of the parties, unless he has previously obtained the substantive consent.


The expert personally carries out the appraisal operations.
He cannot be replaced by a third party. However, for certain material operations, he may be assisted by helpers or collaborators who operate under his directions and under his control and responsibility. The expert who has accepted a mission is required to carry it out until its completion. If, however, during the course of the appraisal he is prevented by an event of force majeure or by a legitimate reason, he shall inform the parties, their consultants and the authority that designated him, letting them know the reason for the impediment. He will facilitate the task of his successor in the best possible way
The expert has the obligation to compensate for damages resulting from an error in the performance. In order to be able to satisfy any request for compensation, you can take out a suitable insurance policy.

Professional secret

The expert maintains the utmost confidentiality on the news and information obtained during his assessment, unless otherwise provided for by law or ordered by the judicial authority.

Professional competence

The expert must be equipped with the fundamental notions that are the basis of the profession of expert within category XII (technical, legal and commercial aspects). It should be underlined the need for, in addition to compulsory schooling, the expert to have completed a subsequent cycle of studies of at least 2 years with passing of the final test, as well as having attended courses and/or carried out multi-year activities in the reference sector.

With regard to competence, an exam is always required, both general in the sector and specific to the subcategory requested, for access to the role of experts and experts.

To guarantee the necessary levels of competence, the expert constantly takes care of his training and professional updating.

Certification of the appraisal

The customer can request that the appraisal be sworn.
In this case the expert must display the appraisal on stamp paper and go to the Court Registry to give the relevant sworn stamp, then taking an oath.

Judicial expertise and consultancy

Judicial expertise represents an indirect means of instruction for the magistrate which can be used to evaluate and resolve disputes.
The appointment of the expert or CTU is notified by the Judicial Officer or by fax. The notification specifies the day and time in which he will have to appear for the oath, record the question and the authorization for the possible collection of the objects and case files.

The expert, having received the assignment, taken the oath, having received the judge's question and set the start of the expert operations, convenes the parties. The expert operations are recorded in minutes specifying the location, date, time, reference to the case, the Judge's question, the parties present and any party experts. The observations are recorded and, at the end, the report is read and signed by the parties.